More Wedding Stuff

Here's a photo of the actual ceremony which took place at the hotel's outdoor gazebo. It was close to sunset and the sun was very, very bright. Anna and Jacob were very patient during this Buddhist wedding. Aileen and Koji drank from sake cups as part of the ritual (which were actually filled with 7-up or water I believe, since they don't drink alcohol).

Anna loved her rhinestone-decorated heeled sandals but they took some getting used to.

Aileen and Koji folded 1000 origami paper cranes over the span of months and an artist formed this gorgeous artwork formed from all those cranes. I believe the Chinese character on the bottom left says "love".

Yes, a photo of Steve! He we are with ringbearer Jacob. Mama babysat Sam at home for more than 8 hours. Thanks, Mama!
P.S. Even more wedding photos to come!