
Thursday, August 06, 2009

Seattle, Part 2/10: Pike Place and Olympic Sculpture Park

Pike Place Market has two levels, from the top you can access the outdoors which leads you to the view of skyscrapers on one side, the water from the other.

On the lower level there are more stores and vendors and quirky displays such as this one, of course Steve couldn't pass it up, with his size 12 1/2 feet.

These are very large shoes, I wonder if anyone actually wore them, I better ask Steve...

Outside, Steve and I ate our delicious jumbo shrimp while the kids played for a bit.

A view of the highway and the ocean below.

After Pike Place Market we started walking to our next destination through the city streets, the terrain is hilly in some areas but very clean. We felt very safe, despite looking like obvious tourists in un-touristy areas of Seattle, and found things to enjoy during our stroll, including this cute cat.

Here we are at the entrance of the Olympic Sculpture Park, part of the SAM (Seattle Art Museum). Imagine the look on Sam's face when he saw his name in print like this!

The Olympic Sculpture Park is on 9 acres of "free and open space for art on Seattle's waterfront". Truly striking on a lovely day like this.

This red steel structure, "Eagle" by Alexander Calder, is the most noticeable in the park.

Sam and Anna found two seats under the Eagle while Steve watched nearby... Sam called this sculpture the Elephant, from this view I tend to agree!

Oh, life is really good at this moment.

In the backdrop you can see the Space Needle. From this spot in Seattle on a sunny day, there are truly gorgeous views every which way you look.


At 4:58 PM, Blogger marirob said...

Shrimp... yum... so jealous of your tasty treat!

At 10:10 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

What a beautiful day! How exiting to see "Sam" on the wall!


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