
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Venice Beach

On Saturday we drove up to Venice to meet up with our friends Chris and Hillary. Chris and Steve are friends from their college days, and it had been at least a couple of years since we saw them last. Look at Justus, he was our ring bearer at our wedding, now he's a junior in high school. Daughter Eliza is now an eighth grader, she was at a birthday party when this photo was taken.

We went to Venice Beach for a bite to eat and to hang out and check the sights. This food stand was tasty, Hillary was right. We enjoyed pizza and sausages. Check out the seagull mid flight.

And another seagull hat for Steve. The kids were quite entertained by the birds.

These two fellas washed pots at college, and look at them now.

The kids enjoyed the beach while the adults were able to chat. We were on the sand for at least a couple of hours, that was a nice surprise as just previously Sam was on the brink of demanding that we head home.

Here's Sam, just contemplating life.

Chris and I wanted to get a shot and we were trying to direct Steve to the backdrop we wanted. How bossy...

Cheese! It was a lovely day. Hopefully not too much time passes before we see them again.


At 2:43 PM, Blogger marirob said...

you were just down the street from rob's old apartment! looks like everyone had fun!


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